Aluminum industry, which offers products to many sectors from automotive to white goods, air, land and sea vehicles to construction sector, aims to export 8 billion dollars in 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Republic.
Turkey, in 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Republic performing targeting exports of $ 500 billion; The aluminum sector also plans to export $ 8 billion in the period under review. Considering the fact that the sector exports $ 2.3 billion in 2015, it is seen that there is a long and difficult path ahead of the sector in order to achieve the 2023 targets.
Automotive, white goods, air, land and sea vehicles used in a wide range of areas from the construction of aluminum, use area is becoming more common day by day. Aluminum is defined as ali metal of the future tarafından by sector representatives; 25 percent in the construction sector, 24 percent in transportation, 15 percent in packaging, 10 percent in electrical and electronic, 9 percent in general engineering, 6 percent in furniture and office equipment, 3 percent in iron and steel and metallurgy, 1 percent in chemical and agricultural products and other 7 percent of the area of use. Aluminum; thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, recyclability, environmentalism, easy formability and aesthetic features are becoming increasingly important in the world. In particular, thanks to its light weight and durability, it is rapidly moving towards becoming one of the important materials of the automotive, aerospace and defense industries.
The sector provides employment for 30 thousand people
The world aluminum industry, aluminum industry has been a parallel development with Turkey, that are also available for a $ 4 billion market size as Turkey’s economy in a position of remarkable. 75 thousand 500 firms engaged in the manufacture of estrüzyo about the aluminum industry operates in Turkey, around 30 thousand people are employed. The sector, which continues to grow with R & D studies and technology renewal investments, increases its exports to European, Asian and African countries with the high quality finished and semi-finished products produced.
Turkey 180 countries exporting aluminum sector in terms of export value fell by 6.5 percent in 2015, increased by 3.1 percent in terms of volume. In 2015, exports of aluminum goods were $ 2.3 billion, compared to $ 675 thousand tons.
2023 target exports of 8 billion dollars
The main export markets of the sector are the European Union countries such as Germany, Italy and the UK and Iraq, Turkmenistan and Egypt. As the target market; Determining the USA, Mexico, Canada, Chile, Peru, East Africa and Qatar, the sector aims to export 8 billion dollars in 2023 with high quality production.
Turkey aluminum industry, in particular extrusion, finds a strong position in the export of flat and molded products. The sector ranks seventh with a share of 4 percent in the world trade in extrusion and 2.5 percent in aluminum foil. In 2015, 154.6 thousand tons of extrusion products especially in Germany, which exported to countries such as Iraq, Turkmenistan and Turkey, while the flats is ranked 11th in the world with 2.2 percent share.
Turkey per kilogram unit value of exports for 2015 aluminum industry as 3.47, 2.24 dollars per kilogram while the unit was in the form of import value. The unit value of exports per kilogram to be above the average of Turkey, yet at the desired level of added value of the sector shows that even rapidly in Eastern exported products high.
China leading export and import
Both in Turkey, expanding on a global scale and the use of the aluminum market on a global scale imports of 163 billion dollars, 162 billion dollars in the export market. China, Germany and USA ranked first in exports and imports; Turkey made $ 3.2 billion in 2015, imports took a share of global aluminum imports 2,01’lik percent. Turkey, with exports of $ 2.3 billion from exports in the global aluminum 1,44’lük percent share purchased. In Turkey, which exports more than imports, while raw materials constitute the main import items of the aluminum industry.
While the production of aluminum from bauxite ore requires a large amount of electricity, aluminum can be produced more economically by countries with cheap energy sources such as Russia, the United Arab Emirates and EFTA countries. However, a large portion of our energy is imported in Turkey, the production of aluminum from bauxite is costly. For this reason, the domestic producer is going to meet the raw materials he needs in an imported way. This also Turkey’s imports of aluminum that is causing her to suffer a steady increase every year. 85 percent dependent on foreign raw materials with respect to Turkey, corresponding to 1.1 million tons in 2015, 2.3 billion dollars in the first half of 2016 versus 549 thousand tons of raw material imports made 953 million dollars. In 2015, raw materials constituted 2.3 billion dollars of total 3.2 billion dollars of imports and 953 million dollars of 1.4 billion dollars of imports in the first half of 2016.
Kibar: biri One of the fastest developing sectors ”
The aluminum industry, showing 10 percent growth over the last 10 years, Turkey’s fastest that one of the growing sectors, underlining Turkey Association Alümimy Industrialists (TALSAD) Chairman Ali Kibar, “per capita consumption in Europe varies between 25 to 30 kilograms . The fact that this value is between 10-15 kilograms in our country shows the high growth potential of the sector. ”
With the advancement of technology and industry; The development, use and preferability of aluminum has also increased. Kibar says that aluminum has many features that make it advantageous over other metals. Ibar Durable, easy to shape, lightweight, high electrical and thermal conductivity, high oxygen barrier, 100 percent recyclable and environmentally friendly, it is a product that is used and used in many areas of daily life. These properties of aluminum are of great importance for the expansion of the usage areas and the increase of consumption.”